What happened to all the designs?

PUREROMANCE has revamped their logo and image. Currently what is seen on the store page is what we currently offer. We currently are not allowed to offer any of the old designs. If you would like to see some of the previous designs come back, please contact PUREROMANCE to request them.

How long does shipping actually take?

All items are shipped out of the Metro Detroit area with tracking take 3-5 days to reach their destination withing the continetnal United States.

International shipping can take 6-8 weeks once it leaves our shop, please be patient.

Why when I check the tracking number it only sayd label printed?

This is because the postal service didn’t scan the package upon receipt and hasn’t scanned it at the facility. We assure you, your package is in route in the time frame stated within the website for proper production.

Why does PayPal keep rejecting my credit/debit card?

If you’re credit/debit card is being rejected by PayPal with the message “The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number.” it might be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Your card is associated with a specific PayPal account, and you’re not logging in with that particular account.
  2. Your card was associated with a PayPal account that has since been closed.
  3. You’ve linked the card to a PayPal account, but have not yet confirmed it.
  4. You’ve exceeded your card limit with the PayPal system.
  5. Your email address is raising a red flag in PayPal’s system.
  6. Your browser is not accepting cookies. You should clear any existing cookies and try again.

Why is my name spelled wrong when it is correct in my shipping address?

We copy and paste right from area that the site asks for it on your name tag. We do not cross reference any other part of the order when producing your name tag. Please double check that the spelling and spacing is correct on your order before you place it.

How do I apply the rear window decal?

YouTube video here or written directions below

The installation of RTA (ready to apply) vinyl lettering can be tricky at times, but isn’t difficult if you follow these rules.

1. Tape the graphic into position with small pieces of masking tape. After rechecking your measurements, draw registration marks from the application tape to the sign substrate.
To facilitate the installation of large markings, use a “top hinge”. To make a top hinge, simply apply masking tape along the top edge of the graphic. With this method, you can remove the liner from the graphic in one piece before proceeding with the application. In a variation of the top hinge technique, you can cut between large individual letters so that each letter is independently hinged. Remove the sections of liner and install letter by letter. To make a center hinge, apply masking tape across the middle of the graphic. Using this technique, remove the liner from one half of the graphic, cutting the liner near the tape hinge. After you squeegee this section of the graphic, working from the hinge to the outer edge, remove the hinge and the remaining liner. Complete the application, starting at the initial squeegee stroke and working to the outer edge.

2. Typically, your first squeegee stroke begins at the center of a graphic. This first movement is straight up and down. To produce the necessary squeegee pressure for successful application, remember to push with your thumb on the bottom on the up stroke. (See illustration 2.)
On the down stroke, push with your fingers on the top. (See illustration

3. Failure to maintain firm pressure often results in wrinkles and bubbles. (Minute bubbles are usually the result of inadequate squeegee pressure, a squeegee that is too soft or doesn’t have a flat edge)
Architectural Signage, Banners, Boat Lettering, Decals, Dimensional Letters and Logos, Graphics Lettering, OSHA Safety Signs and Products, Sandblasted and Routed Wood Signs, Street and Parking Signs

(Illustration #2)

Architectural Signage, Banners, Boat Lettering, Decals, Dimensional Letters and Logos, Graphics Lettering, OSHA Safety Signs and Products, Sandblasted and Routed Wood Signs, Street and Parking Signs

(Illustration #3)

All subsequent up and down strokes work off the initial center stroke.

Each stroke must overlap the previous one. Angle your squeegee slightly away from the center line. Imagine that you are pushing the air out from under the vinyl. Never angle the squeegee toward the center line…this produces bubbles.

4. To reposition the vinyl graphic on the substrate, give the material a sharp jerk with a snap of your wrist. This movement should be perpendicular to the substrate. Never use a slow pulling movement to reposition the graphic. This will stretch the material causing more problems.

5. To remove the application tape from the graphic, pull the tape against itself at a 180 angle. After removing the application tape, be sure to re-squeegee all your edges and overlaps.
(A credit card can be substituted for a squeegee)

How do I properly apply and store my vehicle magnetics?


Care sheet, very important information about how to properly care and store your magnetics,

download a PDF of these instructions here or click the image above

Will magnetics work on my car?

Yes magnetics will stick to most vehicles, but there are some expceptions. Magnetic will not stick to your vehicle if you have fiberglass or aluminum body panels, also if you have any body work done on your vehicle where they used body filler to correct an issue. We advise taking a standard refrigerator magnetic and testing your vehicle before ordering.

How well do magnetics stick on my car?

They stick very well as long as you follow the care guide above. Magnetics are not recommended for speeds over 55mph. Very important that they lay flat and don’t go over any moldings or sharp curves

2 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. Are the name tags magnetic or pin?

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