Vehicle Lettering
Consider how many people you pass when you drive your vehicle each day. Now imagine that your company information is posted on your vehicle. By adding this important marketing message, you’re essentially creating a moving billboard at a much lower cost than a roadside one. In essence, vehicle graphics are an extremely cost effective way to advertise. A simple one-time investment will yield you years of exposure and ROI for your business.
- 97% of respondents remembered the ad displayed on trucks.
- 98% of the respondents felt the ad created a positive image for the advertiser.
- 96% of respondents said fleet graphics had more of an impact than billboards. - 91% of people surveyed said they notice words and pictures on fleet vehicles.
- 29% said they would base a buying decision on these impressions.
- Fleet graphics give 101 impressions per mile traveled.
Some of our completed Vehicles

Vehicle Lettering Specs
There is no limiation to lettering types. There can be a combination of printed vinyl and cut vinyl, single color to multiple. It's whatever fits the need of your company. Each vehicle is proofed to you before any production begins.
Contact Us
If you are in need of vehicle lettering or even if you have a question about the process please feel free to contact us or feel free to call us at 313-405-9735.